AnonymousAnonymousIn January, March 2017 I participated in the Mind Over Body program to address my binge eating disorder. I have never participated in a program like this before and was therefore not sure what to expect. I knew I was miserable, that I was uncomfortable with how I felt and how I looked. I had tried “dieting” for over 45 years. None of the diet programs/plans ever worked. I always kept my focus on what I ate and what I weighed. I was a slave to the scale.
The staff at mind over body helped me to understand the causes and conditions of the disease and to develop the tools I needed to treat it.
I learned that my BED is shame-based. I learned that diets don’t work and that they failed me -not the other way around. I learned that there are no bad foods.
And I learned how to connect my eating habits with my mind my body and my spirit.
I incorporated the tools I learned into my daily life and began a regular exercise program as well. My goals changed. I set out to be happy, to learn to love myself as I became more confident, pleased with myself, and proud of my accomplishments. I was taking direction and it works! It really does. Today my self esteem has improved, my posture has improved and I am happy. I have found true joy. As a result of these changes and using the tools I learned in the Mind Over Body program, I am wearing shirts that are 2 sizes smaller and pants that are 4 sizes smaller. I eat whatever I want and no longer restrict myself. The bingeing has stopped. I am mindful. I am at peace with my BED. Its manageable & treatable. I look great, I like who I see in the mirror and I feel joyful.
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