Trauma Therapy

What is It?

Trauma is explained as a situation in which an individual perceives a threat to their life, sanity or bodily integrity. Trauma takes place when the individual is unable to cope with the threatening situation at hand. Desert Marriage and Family Counseling wants to help you overcome the psychological trauma that you might have experienced.

Even if the trauma wasn’t recent, it could lead to impairment and dysfunction in many aspects throughout a person’s life. Don’t ever feel like what happened is too small or insignificant to discuss.

What is the goal?

When you are considering trauma therapy, it’s important to understand what goal you want to achieve. Whatever your story we can navigate this path together to get you feeling like yourself again.

Generally, many patients seek out Trauma Therapy to:

Take away the power the past event has on their life

Work towards focusing on the future and not the past

Improve functioning on a daily basis

Take back power and control over their life

Work through the emotional and psychological aspects of trauma

Overcome addictions or destructive behavior associated with the trauma

Reduce or eliminate trauma symptoms

Gain coping skills to prevent relapse

Here at Desert Marriage & Family Counseling, we have a team of clinicians that are experienced in treating patients with trauma and PTSD. EDMR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a form of psychotherapy is used to help individuals deal with the emotional stress and symptoms caused by the disturbing life experience.

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more about our trauma-related services and therapy options. Together we can help you build a future that you’ll look forward to.